In September 2024, Prof. Edgar Pieterse of the African Centre for Cities (ACC) presented our joint work on the case study database to an audience of influential African leaders at the first ever Africa Urban Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The forum brought African governments together to collaborate on promoting sustainable development across the continent’s cities, in response to the rapid and large-scale urbanization anticipated in the next three decades. The way in which these cities develop will have a significant impact on whether the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved at a global level, and will require different approaches to service provision than those found in the global North.

Moderating a session titled ‘Sustainable Infrastructure and innovative approaches to service delivery in African cities’, Prof. Pieterse made the case for focusing sustainable infrastructure efforts on what makes the most sense in the contexts of Africa’s cities, including initiatives such as those featured on The database showcases over 45 examples of infrastructure initiatives from across the continent that are accessible to those experiencing poverty, create local jobs and reduce or reverse ecological harm. The final declaration of the Africa Urban Forum will guide Africa’s engagements at the World Urban Forum in Egypt in November.

For further information on the Africa Urban Forum, visit:

Blake Robinson
Senior Researcher at the Urban Futures Studio