Bole Ayat Green Village

Greening open spaces and providing shared amenities to build community

Photo Source: Bole Ayat No. 1 Green Village Residents Association
Public Space: Sports facilities
Public Space: Gathering Spaces
Public Space: Streetscapes
Public Space: Outdoor lighting
Public Space: Playgrounds

The Bole Ayat Green Village initiative was driven by the challenges faced by the residents of a new condominium site where the designated open spaces had been left bare by the developers. This resulted in issues with dust, litter and excessive heat from inadequate shade during the hot season. In response to the need for an outdoor gathering  space, the inhabitants came together to form Bole Ayat No. 1 Green Village Condominium Owners/Residents Association, and elected leadership from the community. This committee, in collaboration with community stakeholders, formulated a strategic plan to guide the development of the open space into a well-maintained, multi-purpose urban open space that meets the needs of local  residents.


In many instances, the development and maintenance of urban open spaces in Addis Ababa has been managed by local municipalities, often leading to the construction of green spaces that are under-utilized or suffer damage due to maintenance challenges. These open spaces typically attract litter, and in some cases, can foster environments that encourage crime. In contrast, the conception and execution of Bole Ayat Green Village is led by the community, in collaboration with the local municipality. Active participation of residents through monthly meetings and financial contributions toward upkeep have resulted in a strong sense of local ownership.

The initial upgrade of the site was funded by a combination of crowd-funding and local government support, with 60% of the budget sourced from resident’s crowd funding and 40% from local municipal funding. The development work covered landscaping, installation of street lighting, and programming initiatives aimed at promoting community engagement and social cohesion; such as a community kitchen, vegetable garden, public library and event halls. In addition, the project incorporates various income-generating activities aimed at supporting the maintenance of the open space, including parking fees, monthly contributions from residents and the rental of communal halls.

Social Impact

Bole Ayat GreenVillage, located within a condominium housing complex, is part of an affordable housing scheme primarily aimed at middle and low-income communities. These housing developments often lack adequate outdoor spaces to suit the residents' lifestyle. The green village addresses this gap by offering various essential amenities such as a sports center, educational facilities, a library, playgrounds, vegetable gardens, laundry areas, communal kitchens, gathering halls and shops. This project primarily serves around 826 households, but the benefits extend to surrounding neighbourhoods, with services like parking, the library, and the sports center serving a wider community. In addition to fostering community engagement and social cohesion, this initiative has generated employment opportunities for local residents.

Environmental Impact

A key aspect of the project involves green development and landscaping work, including the planting of various indigenous trees to maintain green spaces. According to an interview with one of the founders of the initiative, approximately 80 indigenous plant species have been planted within the project site. As a result, this project contributes to the capture of greenhouse gas emissions, decreasing air pollution, reducing the urban heat island effect, and  improving water infiltration through the use of cobblestone paving. Community vegetable gardens encourage local food production, reducing the emissions associated with food transport. Shared facilities like communal kitchens and laundry areas help to reduce the need for private facilities, and make effective use of resources and space.

Success Factors

The community-driven origins and ongoing community engagement throughout every phase of the initiative have been key to its success. Moreover, with 60% of the initial project funding sourced from crowd funding and monthly contributions from residents for green space upkeep, a sense of ownership has been fostered among community members. The participatory process continues to be used as a tool to address community concerns, answer questions and plan future developments within the association.


Following the completion of the project, the association organized various experience-sharing workshops for community leaders interested in developing similar condominium sites. While many other sites adopted their approach, the impact varied depending on the effectiveness of elected community leaders in managing the initiative from inception to operation.

Founded in


Project type
Founded by

Bole Ayat No. 1 Green Village Condominium Owners/Residents Association.

Community-based organisation
Founding Organisation Two

No items found.
Founding Organisation Three

Community-based organisation
Operated by

Bole Ayat No. 1 Green Village Condominium Owners/Residents Association.

Households reached
UN Sustainable Development Goal(s)
Last edited on:
September 2, 2024
Shared on:
September 2, 2024

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