Ubongo multi-media edutainment

Providing access to education via multiple platforms.

Co-creation, Research & User testing in Kano, Nigeria. Image courtesy of Ubongo.
Communications: Phone
Communications: Radio
Communications: Television
Education: Early childhood development
Education: Primary
Education: Secondary
Education: Edutainment

Ubongo, a social enterprise, is on a mission to provide edutainment to millions of African families. They offer fun, localised, and multi-platform educational content to help children aged 3-14 learn using ubiquitous and locally accessible technologies. This approach allows them to use various media outlets to access as many people as possible.


Ubongo employs available technologies such as radios, televisions, and mobile phones to provide enjoyable and context-specific educational material that is tailored to local languages, as opposed to conventional modes of education.

Social Impact

In a context of public school systems increasingly unable to meet the demand for education, and few informal learning resources for children, Ubongo provides a low-cost educational resource for children and their caregivers with extensive reach. New products and services are tested with their audiences to craft content that is relatable and meets their needs. Ubongo's shows are available in 12 languages across 23 African countries, attracting 32 million viewers a month across Africa at a cost of just $0.13 per family per year. The enterprise is also expanding into other platforms as they emerge, and they aim to reach 60 million families by 2025.

Environmental Impact

Ubongo provides educational information for kids at a location suitable for them, reducing the need for transportation, buildings and other equipment. The content includes environmental issues.

Success Factors
Founded in


Project type
Founded by


Social enterprise
Founding Organisation Two

No items found.
Founding Organisation Three

Social enterprise
Operated by
Households reached
UN Sustainable Development Goal(s)
Last edited on:
May 11, 2023
Shared on:
May 11, 2023

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A female technician from DC-GO working on a solar-powered unit
Image courtesy of DC Go.